Guess I'm just awnry at heart but I got ahold of the Heroes & Heroines book and started reading through it. Although I agree Cally is mostly a Crusader-Nurturer, I think she shows definite moments of Waifishness. However, since I also agree this is a Bad Thing in the B7 universe, I can't say I'm in favor of it. Unfortunately, once I got to thinking about why I see her as a Waif, I'm not sure what can be done to cure her.
So, how does a Crusader-Nurturer become a Waif?
In Cally's case, by continually having her identity under attack.
By S3, Cally's Crusader identity is largely in remission. She's been fighting the good fight for years now without victory in sight. As a Nurturer, how many planets has she seen depopulated? Just as herself, she always seemed to take pride in her Auron identity - but the Aurons weren't just wiped out, they were wiped out _easily_ and without a fight by their moral and species opposites in the Federation (and partly because of Crusader choices Cally had made that put her on the LIberator).
Checking over what the book said, "The WAIF was molded by her sense of isolation" and "The WAIF escaped from one disaster after another." Of the two types, I'd say Cally was becoming the Orphan, "the woman with a painful past, the parent-less child thrown out of her home," just as Cally (whose parents are dead) was exiled from Auron before losing it in a more permanent sense, "or [she is] the tortured outcast from society." Again, Cally has been literally tortured and suffers from the basic lonliness of an isolated telepath. Also, both as a telepath and as an alien, she is a borderline outcaste from most of the human societies the encounter.
It also says that "the Orphan defends herself only out of desperation." One of the things I find disturbing about Cally is the lack of self-preservation she has. It's not just that it's lower than Avon thinks anyone's should be, it's that she literally doesn't seem to have one. Granted, part of this is her Nurturer side. She doesn't value her life against someone else's good. But we're not talking about x (her life) being equal to zero in her math. A lot of the time, there isn't any x. It didn't even make it far enough into the equation to be dismissed.
Worse, "the Orphan needs a knight in shining armor." I don't think I'm stretching a point to say that knight is unlikely to be Tarrant. Also, Avon has a weakness for Waifs (a la Meegat). To enter into a romantic relationship, he needs to feel _safe_. Nurturers claim to have his best interests at heart. Whether or not he buys that intellectually, he can't accept it emotionally. As for Crusaders, that's another set of motivations Avon doesn't know whether to despise or distrust. He might accept such a person as an ally but, as something more (assuming he put aside his distrust), it's too risky. He'd be constantly risking rejection either as soon as the Crusader got fed up with Avon's anti-Crusader tendencies or risking loss whenever it became a choice between him and the Crusade.
Removed from a constantly high risk environment, I think Avon might be able to get over this, but that doesn't seem to likely. In his usual environment, it's not happening.
Side thing, I can see part of the appeal Servalan has for him. As far as understanding her motives goes, he's safe. She may have clever plans he hasn't figured out yet, but he he understands her motivations and overall desires pretty well.
The problem with this is that I can't seem to come up with a story where Avon is likely to change his interaction with Cally before she has reached a state of near total Waifishness. In other words, when she has been completely beaten and has lost all connection to her Crusader and Nurturer identities.
I don't like this.
Obviously, I would prefer something that made Avon change. But, since his issue is trust, and since I have already decided he might regain some in a _safer_ environment, it's hard to come up with better story ideas.
In other words, suggestions welcome.
Oh, and debate. But that's half the point of posting.
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