I like Blake's 7 - I thought I'd like to talk to other Blake seven fans about the show, so I decided to join a mailing list. When I first posted and said hello to you all, and received no response (although, I will add, I have since been welcomed by one person)I didn't think of you all as rude(although if I'd walked into a room full of you people and the same situation occurred, I most definitely would have). I have wasted precious time, giving you all the benefit of the doubt, by posting enough posts, to be sure I actually was being ignored - although, again this was rather obvious, as a couple of points I made in a couple of posts, were later, also stated by someone else - which means that either, they read my posts (agreed with that point at least) but did not wish to directly respond to me *OR* they had similar thoughts but did not know about mine, simply because they couldn't be bothered reading my posts - amounts to the same thing.
You could have told me to bugger off - I wouldn't have liked it(who would?) but because I don't know any of you, you don't actually matter to me - so I would have been able to take it...At least it would have been honest. You people are exceptionally rude.
Cheryl. (Who freely admits to herself, that she is possibly wasting her time, yet again, if no-one is actually reading her posts) *Chuckle*
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