On Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 03:20:11PM +0000, Julia Jones wrote:
In message 20495508.1009196864399.JavaMail.imail@doodle.excite.com, linda joyce lindajane3@excite.com writes
As a newbie to the list I can see why other newbie's think it's not fair that all fan fiction is not available on line there seems to be so much I have missed. However as a librarian I also see the point made by Kathryn Andersen and fully support her, you don't see many"professional" writers giving away their royalties by publishing online (and by professional I mean they make their living by it, many fan fic writers are more professional than some best selling authors).
This isn't the only reason for authors to not put their stories up on the web. Kathryn and I do agree about *some* things - and one of them is being disturbed by the tendency of those with net access to consider those without as third-class citizens who need not be catered for - if they consider them at all.
Thanks Julia, for expressing it so eloquently. Yes, I totally agree with this. It isn't a matter of "royalties" -- zine publishing is often done at a loss. I publish zines because I *like* zines, not because I'm making money, God forbid! "Staked Blake" was an experiment; I am getting zero money from that zine at all, though all the contributors got their 'tribbers copies (as is the inviolate custom); the only hardcopies I printed of that zine were the tribbers copies, which I snail-mailed to the contributors, international postage, at entirely my own expense. I'm in Australia -- each zine would have taken about $5.00 to print, and about the same amount to post... Normally those costs are covered by the selling of the rest of the print run at slightly more than cost, but I got so sick of worrying about trying to sell the stack of zines in my cupboard (not to mention the irritation of currency conversion) that for Staked Blake I simply declared the zine to be an expensive hobby, like skiing... I'm very glad that Judith then offered to produce a printed version, so that people without net access could get a copy.
Has the experiment worked? I don't know. Haven't a clue.
Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "I was just explaining to my class how powerful a home computer can be when in the proper hands. Would you care to...umm... comment, Miss Bloom?" -- Dr. Frank Morgan (VR.5: Love and Death)