Debbie wrote: <Hello, can we please discuss Blake's 7?>
Hey, I tried to start a discussion on Slave, but for some unknown reason no one showed any interest ...
Okay, some possible thoughts? (Not very brilliant, but it's early in the morning).
What *does* everyone do on the flight deck? We know Jenna does the piloting, Vila usually handles weaponry (whose idea was that, BTW <g>?) and either Cally or Gan seems to handle communications. But what does Avon (before he runs for the force wall <g>) and whichever's *not* on communications do during a battle? They do all seem awfully busy ... *****************
Thinking about some of my favourite politicians (I believe there's an elecion going on in the UK at the minute? Hands up anyone who'd be tempted to vote for Secretary Rontane :-)), I'm wondering what other people's mental picture of the Federation's ruling group is. We have very little to go by (as usual), but what we have is rather fascinating: Bercol and Rontane and their scheming, Joban (one of the good things about Voice from the Past - wonder if he survived Servie's coup?) and the bit of information he gives us about Servalan's appointment. Then there's Chesku and Anna ... and would anyone agree with me that the Chairman in Shadow *might* also be a member of the President's clique? (And that Durkim followed Servalan's breif triumph to become part of *her* court?)
The amount of scheming and backstabbing that goes on is very Roman to me (as in I Claudius, most of whose characters would fit beeeutifully into Servalan's world IMO), even though I see the Federation as a whole as more Stalinist. There's also a flavour (for me) of decay, especially in the 4th series, that clashes with the canonical fact that the Federation *is* in Pylene-driven resurgence and makes me believe that said resurgence is probably due to collapse soon with or without Our Heroes' intervention. ******************
For the Avon fans - I know there's a few of us around - just what *is* it about him that you find makes him that much more interesting? (And no fair pointing to the leather :-)) ******************
How experienced a guerilla do you think Cally was before joining the crew? Her comments when watching Blake in Duel indicate some experience in this type of fighting (though, not having *any* myself, I don't know how right she is); are there any other indications (leaving aside the lack-of-camoflague gear she chooses in Bounty)? ******************
And for the more frivolous among us (and having recently been given tickets to the stage version of Singing in the Rain) what price Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) as either Avon or Travis and Lina Lamont (Jean Hagan) as Servalan? (And anyone for seeing Vila do "Make 'Em Laugh?")
Anyone with any better suggestions feel free ...
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