Fiona said:
When talking of the revolt Hal Mellanby said, "We made an
honourable surrender. We were promised fair trial. Instead, the security forces massacred everyone, men, women, and children. That night I watched them
die. My own wife, my friends, everybody."
Sounds just like TWB...Hal (and Dayna) could have turned up late for the meeting and hidden just like...well, you see where this is going.
Mellanby says, "I had a chance of saving Dayna. I took it." But who gave him that chance? Answer (who else?): the Federation. He struck a deal to save himself and Dayna, and sold the rebels out in the process.
A more benign interpretation is that they didn't consider either a mind- wiped Hal Mellanby or baby Dayna much of a threat.
No wonder Avon likes him.