In a message dated 2/24/01 8:38:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< I very much hope this is not the reason we haven't heard from Penny lately. It would be a shame if hurt feelings were the cause of anyone leaving the list. >>
All I'm going to say is that I'm well acquainted with another list, in another fandom, where a few individuals dominate most discussions and frequently dictate the tone, content and outcome of almost every thread. The moderator is a friend of these individuals, and when the moderator *does* bother to step in and enforce a list ruling, it's never against the chosen few, no matter how outrageously obvious the double standard in their behavior.
The list of which I speak used to be huge. In fact, it became known as the "Big" list in this fandom. As a result of slow, ruthless onscreen flame wars on the part of the small group insisting on its way, the list has become so small that it isn't uncommon for a day or two to go by with no posting at all. Meanwhile, debates and discussions of all kind in this fandom go on in lists and Forums elsewhere on the net.
The point is, everybody sees things differently. If you're on a public mailing list, there are going to be many people who don't agree with your viewpoint. If you insist on dominating, sooner or later you'll dominate--but don't be surprised when you look around one day and discover that the need to be 'right' all the time and win every discussion has meant that you now dominate a small clique, and nothing more.