Carol 'Hondo' asked:
Is it just the cost that does not make it easy from the UK please?
I tend to buy zines from Judith Proctor, who seems not to agent Chronicles these days? And I'm a bit chary of putting cash into international post, especially not being 100% sure of the price for dispatch to the UK (and if you take cash in sterling -- whilst I tend to have a stash of US dollars around for business reasons, I don't imagine all UK fans would be in the same position).
As for Chronicles, well it has been around for many a year now, and I have seen stories that are based on humour, drama, light romance, character driven, dark elements, AU, just about everything.
Thanks for the info. (It's interesting that the zines I've seen from different publishers all have very different 'flavours' despite in many cases having essentially similar submission guidelines.)