Sally Manton wrote:
You're the BBC Christmas Fairy (goodness knows what you look like, probably Frankie Howerd and/or Julian Clary, but leave that for now). You have three
- and *only* three - wishes to give out among Our Heroes. No budgetary or
plausibility limits, but stuff they actually ended up with is out (so don't give Avon the Liberator, we already *know* what he did with it).
Who would you give the wishes to, and what would they be?
Peace on Earth (and the rest of the galaxy) and Good Will Towards Men. After all, that's all Blake really wants... And after the Federation has been replaced with a happy, peaceful, freedom-loving Something Else, I don't think the rest of them actually *need* any more wishes.
(It'd make for pretty terrible television, though, so it's just as well that it didn't happen...)