I think Travis' emotions at the end of Gambit are far more complex than those engendered by Blake's dismissive comment. What about his feelings towards Servalan?
In SLD she is directly offensive about his facial injuries, and in 'Gambit' she 'abuses' his artificial arm. And yet she is his (ultimate) commanding officer (and in this context I am referring purely to the official/military status relationship).
IMO the injuries Travis sustained from his encounter with Blake were only 'as seen.' In SLD and 'Orac' he reacts as if the prosthesis is joined to his lower arm, which would be consistent with Travis having (instinctively) attempted to protect his face from 'Blake with a gun' (which he might well have learnt to use on Exbar -rabbit-equivalent shooting).
One would also have to know what proportion of active military officers had been injured and patched up: probably something to do with experience/skill (not to mention where the mutoids fit in). Travis might well feel differently towards his arm replacement and his facial disfigurement.
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