Fiona defined some Lysator postulates:
I wasn't actually referring to debate ettiquette when I spoke of the
I mean that there are certain opinons which appear to be taken as the "mainstream opinion" on the Lyst. For instance:
-Deliverance is a great story and shows Avon in his best light [I think
one's changed status now, but for a long time this was held to be true] -Avon and Blake are in love, or at least in lust, with each other
While this is a commonly held belief on FC, I don't think it's even common on Lysator, much less univerrsal
-Same goes for Avon and Servalan
Canonically, there's some kind of interest there
-Blake is a noble idealist whose singlemindedness frequently blinds him to other people's needs, making him cold and insensitive -H/C fiction is a great way of exploring the more intimate side of a character, and neither it nor slash particularly offend anyone
FC exists precisely because slash offends many people--I don't think anyone on Lysator (whether s/he personally likes slash) would deny the potential for offense. H/c is less controversial but again I don't think it is universally valued
-Women find brooding, soulful-eyed men inherently sexy
Luckily, (on and off the Lyst) fewer generalizations are being drawn abou what "women" inherently find sexy.
-The female characters on B7 are all positive role models
I don't think this is commonly believed, much less taken as read.