Sally Manton wrote:
I am (effectively) signing off for about 7-8 weeks to go on holidays on the other side of the world
Have a wonderful time, Sally! (But isn't nearly *everywhere* on "the other side of the world" from you? :))
As I would *really really* like to see each and every one of you still here and happy when I get back, you better start playing nice *now*.
Yes, ma'am!
BTW, given that in the age of space flight Immmigration and Customs appear to be a lost cause, can anyone think *of* any way individual planets would control visiting rights (this is speaking as someone whose travel documents weigh a ton :-)).
Probably the Federation requires *two* tons of travel documents. All of which can be quite nicely circumvented, of course, by those pesky rebels with their teleport...