Ellynne wrote:
On Sun, 4 Mar 2001 03:23:39 -0500 "Dana Shilling" dshilling@worldnet.att.net writes:
Ellynne G. said:
Regular consumers of porn show a marked tendency to be more callous towards women and to minimize rape as a criminal offense.
Is this cause or effect--i.e., haven't these attitudes been formed before the individual becomes a consumer of pornography?
OK, let's take the whole media thing from the top.
Studies keep showing the same thing - media both teaches and reinforces behavior.
I appreciate that you have very strong opinions on this subject, Ellynne, but I'm not sure that your final statement is entirely correct. David Gauntlett has a very interesting article on the web about this: http://www.theory.org.uk/effects.htm. This has more to do with violence in the media than pornography.
Others might enjoy the media response to his book 'Moving Experiences', particularly the cuttings from 'The Sun' and 'Private Eye': http://www.theory.org.uk/book1prs.htm.
Others still may enjoy his new Anthony Giddens and Michel Foucault action figures, a spin-off from his hugely successful theory trading cards: http://www.theory.org.uk/. In fact, just have a poke round the whole site, which is great.