Fiona said:
The point of the exercise, in "Duel," was to place the life of somebody Blake cared about in danger, so that should he fail in his responsibility for this person, it would hurt him badly. Since Jenna was chosen over Avon, it's safe to assume that his feelings for the former were stronger than for the latter...
Or then again, that Sinofar and Giroc's gaydar wasn't tripped...or that they were so happy together that they couldn't stand breaking up anybody's partnership.
Leaving aside the fact that there's no evidence one way or the other for homophobia in the Federation,
It's such a vile place that I figure they have the lot-- homophobia, racism, chocolate rationing...
I'd point out that bisexuals I know tend to express their straight side when in an opposite-sex relationship, and their gay side when in a same-sex relationship,
Are you sure that we have two different sides?
regardless of the situation. If they are in a same-sex relationship and in a situation of intolerance, they will conceal this fact, but they won't suddenly switch to the other team just because of the environment.
A lot of biphobia is due to a belief that we will-- there are always issues of who to come out to, for what reason, but certainly the easier it is to pass the more tempting it can become.