Joyce wrote:
My friend warns against buying zero region players--at least, that is what I think she called them. Presumably some DVDs say they play every region and do not. There were a lot of problems involving DVD players which she was talking about, but I don't remember what all she said. She did say there was also some reason for waiting to buy a DVD player, too, because some new advancements might be made in the next year.
Region 0 players were designed to get around the region encoding on discs, but unfortunately some companies then upped the stakes and have started releasing discs that a Region 0 player can't read (the RCE Protection System - Region Coding Enhancement, I believe).
A true multi-region player is the way to go. Not only do the extras vary greatly depending on region (usually Region 1 do best, but not always), but sadly it's also cheaper to buy the things from and have them shipped across the Pond than it is to buy from Go figure.
Apologies to Joyce for getting this twice, I always forget the Lyst coding doesn't reply to the group.