Betty wrote:
Its full name is _Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda_ because apparently it was developed from an idea found in Roddenberry's desk or something. :) Don't let that keep you from giving it a chance, though, as it's not exactly another Trek clone. I actually like to think of it as being about a Star Trek character who suddenly finds himself in a B7 universe.
I found Andromeda one enormous disappointment. The premise offered opportunuities, the characters sounded promising, and I was willing to like it despite the presence of Kevin Sorbo. Unfortunately all that promise was wasted. The quality of the writing is generally appalling. I have sat through many many episodes of Andromeda thinking that they had an interesting plot idea and wasted it. There is absolutely no suspense and precious little dialogue to make these characters anything other than one-dimensional. As Steve said, they brought in what were to all intents and purposes the Borg and still managed to make a dull episode. Dullness is the over-riding characteristic of the show; the writers just naver manage to make me give a damn.