It wasn't til posts became insulting
(beginning with the "Wolf at your door" message) that there began to be a certain amount of resentment at the insistence that if we couldn't see sexism in "Deliverance" we must be stupid or uninformed.
2) There's a post from Shane a while back which points
out, with evidence from the Archive, that Wendy didn't actually say even half of that, at all.
actual email:
There's a handsome wolf at the door. Let him in and he will take away everything, including your reason for living, and then leave you to die.
Deliverance is not sexist-- it is not imperialist-- it is not misogynistic-- it's a test. Only the victim will find excuses and fight to open the door and let the wolf in. Even when the truth is spelt out to them.
By which point of course, the discussion had already rabbited off in half a dozen different directions including numerous excursions into levity without affecting the overall "seriousness" of the thread. For what it's worth, this was the post that irritated me most and I believe others must have reacted in the same way because despite Mr. Little's own interpretation this struck me as a direct criticism of failing to understand (despite the truth being spelt out to me) that I am making excuses to accept an existing paradigm (and based on the handsome wolf- leave to die reference one directly referring to the poster's position on sexism of the episode) because I am a sheep. And having gone back and read many of the posts again, I am not surprised at what I read, nor is it substantially different than I remember it( though it might help to point out that not several different people where arguing their points with each other and saying "you're opinion" etc. to each other in addition to Wendy maintaining that it was all sexist in some fashion matter what argument was presented). Regardless of whatever hard feelings experienced while having to defend one's views may have been( and feeling that one was accused of the inability to see what was "obvious" in some posters' minds), it would appear most of the real nastiness began after the "sexism" thread died down and shifted to an ill-expressed position concerning lyst members ways of posting.
Just an unasked for opinion of the same material reread by others. I like posts of all sorts and simply eliminate those which don't interest me. What I don't care for is criticism of other people's ways of posting. Everyone has their likes and dislikes in postings - might as well learn to lump it. I've had to sit on my hands concerning other's means of expression lately and if I can do it, so can others. (not that I post much of course, but that also means I must have been pretty upset to even consider posting, if you know what I mean. ;) )