Sally Manton wrote:
Mistral wrote: < I find the Tynus-Avon-Vila interaction in Killer to be crucial to my concept of Avon and also A-V.>
Agreed, but would you also include the other two? Killer, Gambit and Orbit are central IMO to defining the relationship between Avon and Vila, bit the good and the not-at-all-good
Hm. Well, I'd be more inclined to call Gambit illustrative than defining, and I'm torn between pivotal and defining for Orbit; but then you know how much I like to split hairs. If you mean that they're all important, that they're each in its way a turning point in the relationship, I'd definitely agree to that.
It's interesting, now I think about them in relationship to each other, that Killer is Avon reacting to betraying a friend, and Orbit is him reacting to having to betray a friend. I suppose Gambit is just having a friend. Though there's one line in Gambit that doesn't ring true - 'You dummy.' It's too flat and generic for me to take seriously either as a real insult or as affectionate sniping, coming from Avon as it does.
(other episodes have good A-V in them - Volcano, Deliverance, City and Bounty, for starters - but aren't *built* around it).
Heh. Well, would *you* say that a good A-B episode isn't important? ;-) I think Bounty and Volcano both have significant A-V development. Without those two episodes, I'd be less inclined to interpret the relationship as mutual liking, and more as just being stuck on the same ship.
<I wish Holmes had written more episodes,>
And maybe used some of those earlier guests in them (if they could bring back Bercol and Rontane, they could bring back Krantor and Toise, impoverished and itinerant after the post-War near-collapse of the Federation destroyed Freedom City's whole clientele :-))
Shame on you, neglecting the really important one.
Then again <veg> could it be the costumes? You have to admit, they all look *gorgeous* in Shadow, but that has nothing to do with why I consider it so superior. Nothing at all. (Now the costumes in Killer ...)
Well, the brown vinyl is a bit dodgy, but I love the blue leather. Oddly enough, I like it far better now I know it's blue than I did when I thought it was black. Black leather and studs is just so ... pedestrian.
<I could cheerfully chuck Deathwatch from canon, were I not such a purist.>
Now that's a good game - I do recall someone saying they tended to bar Dawn of the Gods from canon, you want to chuck Deathwatch and I like to believe that Power was Vila's bad dream.
Well, I've adopted the 'Sarcophagus was a dream' theory, but I haven't decided whose. And Animals gets to stay because it's only dull, not irritating like DW. OTOH, there are days I'd chuck Rumors. I tend to be changeable on this. It's a good thing I don't believe in chucking episodes, I guess.
Mistral, rattling on because it's too quiet in here.