From: Kathryn Andersen
To refine: I find slash stories more upsetting than hetsmut because of the moral issue, even though I don't like reading either one; for me, het sex out of wedlock is, while not good, not half as sinful as gay sex. (Particularly if the het sex is monogamous; at least they're being faithful...) So it upsets me to see characters I admire suddenly having gay sex. That's where my compass is set, and if that upsets anyone, then go ahead and call me insulting names if it makes you feel better.
But to reiterate the question I put at Redemption: Surely there are worse things than two characters having gay sex? Suppose defenceless civilians were massacred by Federation troops - would that upset you just as much if it happened in a (gen) story? Suppose two original characters in a story were having a relationship (gay, or unmarried straight)? Is it what gets done that squicks you, or who does it?