On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 15:01:52 -0500 jacquispeel@netscape.net writes:
There does not seem to be much art in Federation areas - public or private (and dictatorships tend to go in for monumental art)
Perhaps, they're a little like Pakistan or some of the more uptight regimes history has cranked out now and then who demolished all the old monumental art and the artists so that, by the time they got around to wanting to build some of their own, there weren't any artists (or the surviving ones considered it too risky to identify themselves) and nothing significant left to take the old name off and put a new plaque on ("Yes, children, this is Travis Square. No, the stories that the statue resembles, in any way, an ancient by the name of Nelson are completely false, the kind of lies constantly circulated by people like Blake." [I am tempted to add something about "The Big, Bad, Blake will get you if you don't watch out," but that seems tasteless since, given the crimes he was accused off, that might have been a threat they really used in the Federation, Blake the Bogeyman (which may have accounted for some of his popularity, the thing where parents try to connect something to 'evil, bad, stay away,' and kids/teens connect it with 'powerful, tough, things the wimps can't handle,' that they then want to be associated with)]).
Then again, maybe I'm just missing the true significance of Servalan's wardrobe.
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