In message 005e01c0944d$fa175680$e535fea9@neilfaulkner, Neil Faulkner writes
From: Julia Jones
Since we're talking about penguins again, I thought that Una and Neil would be interested in one of the sights on my day out today - the penguin fence along the side of the road. Yes, really - the main highway runs a few yards from the dunes and beach, and the penguin colonies in said dunes don't have a very good grasp of the highway code.
A common misunderstanding. Actually it's motorists who aren't even aware that there is such a thing as the penguin code.
It has to be said that one of the reasons the fence is needed is that a minority of people will deliberately run down the poor little beggars, going so far as to go onto the hard shoulder to do so. Bastards.