Shane Little wrote:
But the original show was about politics, not sex, after all, and we shouldn't let the politics of it be overwhelmed by the sex.
Who's "we", and why shouldn't "we", and who are you to say what "we" should or shouldn't do, anyhow?
Personally, I've never thought of the original show being about politics, and that aspect of it holds very little interest for me. (Mind you, I don't think of it as being about sex either, if that makes you any happier...)
I'm sure there's very political slash out there but most of it does seem to be just PWP.
I was going to respond to this, but then you did it for me in your next message:
You've only been reading the porn then. Plenty of writing by and for gay men deals with other aspects of life (even though they may write about sex as well).
Substitute "slash" instead of "writing by and for gay men", and you have my response. (Thank you.) There's certainly a fair bit of PWP around -- why shouldn't there be, if there are people who enjoy writing and reading it? -- but it's a far cry from "most".
Shouldn't they be read by gay men too? Or do you want to keep slash your own private club?
There are gay men who do read (and write) slash. The point is that the majority of it is not being written *for* them, i.e. with them in mind as the target audience, not that they "shouldn't" read it if they want to. (I have a couple of gay friends who regularly raid my slash collection. It's interesting to see how their tastes compare to mine -- in most respects we're very similar, but there are some marked differences. Unfortunately, our sample set's too small to know whether the differences are a male-vs-female thing or just individual variation.)
- Lisa
-- Lisa Williams: or Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library: From Eroica With Love: