Well, I was going to send this off-list, but, what the heck, I've already admitted in public that I read the stuff; I suppose I might as well name names. :) And maybe this will be of interest to others... If it ain't of interest to you, go for that "delete" button!
(Oh, and the word "you" when used below refers to Fiona, since it was her I was responding to...
Fiona asked for an example of non-shallow slash... I've had a brief look through my zine collection, and several leap out at me:
I think I mentioned Bryn Lantry's "Puppeteer" on the Lyst at one point, actually, and how utterly brilliant I thought it was. IMO it's a *great* example of just the kind of thing I was talking about. It's bound not to be to everyone's taste, but... Well, I can imagine one not liking the prose style, or disagreeing with the characterization, or disliking its extremely character-oriented focus, but I can't imagine anyone in their right mind dismissing it as "shallow." It's very psychologically complex story, and one where the actual sex act iself is almost irrelevant. Certainly *Avon*, in the story, regards it as irrelevant: his interest in Blake is emotional rather than sexual, and he regards the sex primarily as a way to motivate Blake to stay with him.
Actually, Bryn Lantry's work in general tends to be very complex in exactly the ways that I like... Though it probably doesn't remotely hurt that her view of the emotional elements of the Avon-Blake relationship is very similar to my own. (Some of her stories, IMO, are considerably better than others, but "shallow" she certainly ain't.) Her "Fanatics" is another nice example, I think. (Not sure what zine that one was published in, unfortunately, as I only have a photocopy someone sent me, but I know the zine's out of print, or I wouldn't have accepted the photocopy.) A good study, among other things, of Avon working through his feelings for Blake.
Another good slash story that comes to mind (primarily, I think, because it hasn't been that long since I read it) is "Touching Life" by Vanessa Mullen in "Fire & Ice 7." It's many, many years PGP, and Avon is working for Servalan when Blake, who he thought dead on GP, suddenly shows up and leaves Avon faced with a major cased of divided loyalties... Actually, no, that doesn't remotely begin to do it justice, really, but IMO it's extremely good and thought-provoking, and might even involve some of those issues that *you're* interested in, (though then again, maybe not). Definitely qualifies as "complex," in any case.
(There's been a lot of complex A/B fic in "Fire & Ice" over the years (along with a lot of simpler PWP stuff and more than a few examples of what I tend to consider somewhat oversentimentalized romantic stuff), but I'd have to go back over my stash of zines and re-read things to remind myself which stories particularly appealed to me that way and why... And, while I wish I had the time to do that ('cause it sounds like fun!), alas, I don't.)
Somebody else mentioned Nova's "Bend Me, Shape Me"... Personally, I enjoy Nova's stories immensely: she's a very good writer, and she certainly does some interesting and complex things with the characters. But her versions of the characters do, to me, feel rather "stretched" from canon, which gives me the distinct suspicion that they're not likely to be to your taste...
It occurs to me, that most of the fic mentioned above is either out-of-print (I think I bought Judith's last copy of "Puppeteer,") or appears in zines which are almost certainly not generally going to be to your taste. Meaning that even if you were inclined to take a look at them, you'd probably have trouble doing so, unless you could find someone to borrow the zines from. So I thought it might be interesting/worthwhile to point out a few relevant stories that are actually available online. Unfortunately, there isn't really a terribly large amount of B7 slash on the web, and while much of what is there is IMO quite good, not all of it really qualifies as "complex" in the kinds of ways we're talking about. (So, for the record, just because I haven't singled out a particular story here doesn't mean I don't think it was good, or even that I don't think it was "complex.")
But, let's see...