On Thu 01 Mar, Julie Oppenheimer wrote:
Not impressed. If you know Gareth Thomas as well as you say then why did you have to ring him to ask him what his opinion was on such a subject?
Because I prefer to quote him exactly. He's a complex man and I'm not going to try and speak for him.
Especially since he had all ready said it at a Redemption panel.Common sense would be sufficient alone to know that Gareth would not want to get involved with this discussion here and also that he would quite rightly be offended by pictures of him having it off with some other actor. If Diane Gies band advertising you convention because for the reasons she gave,and they are very good ones, and Diane knows Gareth, then you must have known that Gareth had attended your con inspite of its promotion of slash artwork. This says a great deal about Gareth Thomas's good nature but also about your lack of judgement.
That is entirely between Gareth and myself. I am not going to comment any further. Gareth said that he did not want to be used as a weapon in any fan disagreements and you're trying to do just that.
I am thinking of doing a fanzine that contains some explicit porn, with artwork of you and Steve Rogerson, but before I start can I have your permission, and would you like to pose for the more complex images?
Well <grin>, please can you make me twenty years younger and give Steve a six-pack stomach? After all, fan art always tries to give them the best possible bodies.
If you do artwork, please can I have a copy to hang on my office wall?
Gareth doesn't like people making assumptions about his opinions, never has done. One of the reasons he dislikes newspapers is because they so often misquote him.
Does this mean then that you spoke to Gareth about his view on slash before inviting him to Redemption? If you did then there was no reason to ring him up, if you didn't then you were making assumtions about his opinions also. As I said, not very bright.
I am trying very hard to resist the temptation to quote from private converstions, and damn me, I am going to continue to resist.
It is one thing to be aware of someone's opinion and quite another to go shouting out details of it in public without their permission.
Diane and I may disagree in many ways, but she too respects the actor's desires for privacy.
I write to another cast member who has exactly the same attitude. Willing to share opinions and feelings, but would be deeply upset if I were to betray that trust and make public statements regarding those feelings.