Hmm this is tricker than than last one! Hard to pin down what it is that I like so much
Three things about the series...
1. The motley crew Blake ends up with specifically the fact that they don't instantly turn into converts to his cause and in fact actively oppose him quite often.
2. Realism. The crew squabbled, got bored and stressed and tired. Sometimes the bad guys won.
3. The interaction between the crew and the way it changes through the series.
Three particular highlights... Mostly the little bits of banter, snarkiness and similar
1. Moloch. Vila actually standing up to Tarrant, telling him to stop shoving him around and then walking out on him when he threatens him.
2. Hostage. Jenna: [to Cally] What are you going to fire at?, Cally: Anything that moves. Ah a woman after my own heart<grin>
3. Redemption. The whole scene in the cell after Avon thumps Vila as he comes in.
Leia the bruised