Fiona said:
I haven't heard of any Mark Chapman-style stalking of the B7 actors :),
I have heard of a few cases of stalking which the actors found distressing if nothing else, and I've heard from a few independent sources about at least one of the B7
actors having been mailed slash art depicting himself and another of the actors, and also of him having been presented with some examples of these
autograph lines at cons. It sounds almost funny, writing it back-- except that it apparently wasn't funny for _him_, as he reportedly hit the roof.
in the case of consumers of slash art, anyway, there does seem to be a lunatic fringe.
WHile I agree that it certainly is unmannerly to show people things they will find distressing, you really can't compare giving someone a disagreeable experience of this type with placing him in fear that he or his family will be physically harmed.