(that's a British fag end, not what you Americans might think!).
"cigarette butt," in Americanese, I believe.
Still, one of the values of making outrageously presumptuous statements is the way it prompts swift clarification, engendering a positive transfer of information transmission of a corrective nature in the direction of an individual who misguidedly pertains to the notion that deployment of gratuitous polysyllables in a complex predicate statement might make him look less of a complete idiot.
::snicker:: At least it's a very satisfying way of writing when you run 'word count' functions that give you the average word length.
And not a trace of an American accent, which I wouldn't be surprised if Xena's got.
Lucy Lawless is formerly an opera singer. As a New Zealander, I doubt she has an American accent. To dull American ears, however, New Zealanders and Canadians tend to sound a lot 'like us' as opposed to the delicious exoticness of Australian and most British dialects.
And definitely no chickadees singing in the background.
Well, you would know better than I would what songbirds you find in Greece.