Cheryl wrote:
As for porn/slash - ... my stand in these areas are more along the lines of...We have kiddies out there people, impressionable youths and sensitive adults (which by the way I am not)
Cheryl, I fear you've probably inadvertently tripped a Tavian rant wire here.
Based on personal observations only, the demographics of the B7 fan population appear to be heavily skewed towards people who saw the show when it was first aired in their country of residence, ie mostly 30s--40s. I know that there are a few children who have been introduced to B7 by fannish parents, but they'd form a tiny minority.
and if this genre is introduced via fan fiction etc, to a show which has no previous mention or implications in this area, then the stories (IMO)should not be interspersed with general B7 material and any illustrations of the characters should not show any realistic reproductions of the faces of the actors involved.
The show itself is violent, in virtually every episode we see death, torture, massacre &c. I'd say that once or twice there's a strong implication of behind-the-scenes rape. The 'heroes' themselves include murderers, thieves &c. and Blake is accused of paedophilia.
So-called 'gen' material in 100% genzines commonly includes a degree of violence that (whilst in keeping with the show) might shock young children. It seems to me that the depiction of sexual relationships of whatever nature is hardly any *less* suitable for children than the depiction of, say, torture. (In either case, one might like to consult the sensibilities of the individual child and his/her parents, the age in question, the degree of explicitness of the material &c&c.)
A blanket ban on mixing any adult material with gen material tends to result in fanzines that are (to my mind) rather dull -- either masses and masses of Our Heroes running round in corridors blowing things up, or masses and masses of erotica in the style insert tab X into slot Y.
(who would like to declare a clear conflict of interest as the editor and publisher of a mixed zine, ttba: )