At 02:36 14-3-01 +0000, Tavia wrote:
Mistral wrote:
Ideal to whom? I find the Lyst a welcome refuge from the fluff and chat of my other groups.
Er. One person's fun and friendly is another person's fluffy and emotionally invasive.
Well, I've just done the late-at-night equivalent of walk round the block and I still think this is an incredibly hurtful thing to say.
No it isn't. It's simply a statement of fact, and one I happen to agree with. We don't all perceive emotional things the same way, and I don't see why this should be hurtful.
BTW, Kathryn, I love the Lyst Culture Guide. And a request to Calle: please don't ever start something like the roll call on lysator. Being told what to post and when to post it at anyone's whim (the two times I saw it happen, it generally started with someone going "ooh, let's do a roll call again") is so offensive to me that I had to leave Freedom City because of it. So when someone (I forgot who) suggested an obligatory posting to show everyone who we are, my first thought was "oh no, please don't drive me off this list, too!"