Iain said:
Many such studies should not be lightly dismissed: the should be thrown aside with great force.
Hear, hear! Figures don't lie, but liars figure, and there can be bad reporting of well-done studies and bad reporting of poorly-done studies. BTW, I live on the East Coast of the United States, where a good deal of media coverage has centered around a fearsome blizzard that was supposed to arrive on Sunday (when there was half an inch of snow), today (when there was half an inch of snow) or perhaps tomorrow or Wednesday...
In this context, we're talking about viewing people as objects. As one recent article on the subject said, those addicted to pornography see other people as nothing more than objects without feelings or emotions - and it is much easier to commit crimes against objects than people.
I find this result frankly incredible. Can you direct me to this article?
Look, my feelings on this matter are strong and not likely to change. I've stated my reasons, and they're not likely to change, either.
I'd strongly recommend you check out the following articles by Feminists Against Censorship:
ObB7: I reckon porn is heavily censored in the Federation. To protect the children, of course.