Stephen wrote: <I don't imagine they'd have done something really radical like leave Avon tied up in a tent for most of the episode, and have Jenna meet a personable young bloke in flowing robes, who thought she was the Messiah. - Sorry Sally.>
<Sigh for lost opportunities ...> S'allright, I don't think I'm the only one who would have much preferred to see My Darling bound and gagged by hairy barbarians ...
<I love the bit when she reassures Gan and Vila that the Lord Avon will protect them.>
Oh yes - and would have liked to see Jenna's face at that line too, given their history. Blake?
<Power is frankly, rather confused and silly, but there is a definite streak of misogyny in Steed's scripts (the whole Avon-Pella dynamic, for example) which I think is absent from Nation's. (I agree with Neil here).>
There are in fact three main episodes where this god/dominant male bit rears its head - Deliverance, Power and Sand. The reason I find it far less grating in Deliverance is because Terry Nation at least had the sense to make *Avon* aware of how silly it is.
And after Ellynne said: <Er, it's just possible the rocket looked like a rocket because that's what rockets look like, isn't it? I don't recall Freud being hired as a consultant for NASA.>
Wendy answered: <No. The author used a rocket because it looked like a giant phallus.>
No. The *director* used a rocket because that's what he had the spare BBC stock footage of that he could use (and at that stage, rocket-shaped rockets were probably the only ones they had stock footage of). Why go to the totally unneccessary expense (given B7's miniscule budget) of making a new pc-shaped model?
And after *I* wrote <g> <For the most part, he treats her rather nicely, but as a sweet, idiot child.>
Wendy wrote: <Okay then, so he treated her like an idiot child instead of murdering her or beating her up. But that's hardly respecting a woman's intelligence, maturity, humanity, ability to make her own decisions etc.>
Errrmmm ... this is Kerr Avon, not Dudley Do-Right. He doesn't respect *anyone's* "intelligence, maturity, humanity, etc" (except Blake's IMO, and I wouldn't bet any money on the maturity bit); *everyone*, male, female or something-else-completely, is an idiot, and gets told so in no uncertain terms. Do we really want him to suddenly turn into someone out of Star Trek, just for one episode?
JMHO and no offence meant ...
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