Ellynne G. said:
And Shakespeare, I suppose (I can really imagine Avon and Vila having an Antipholus-Dromio conversation [and am now imagining a story in which Avon and Vila arrive on a planet where, unbeknownst to them, their long lost twin brothers (with the same names and wearing identical outfits [I can see it in Avon's case (black leather is black leather [am I asking for trouble, saying that?) but it's a bit more of a stretch in Vila's]) live and where Blake (also unbeknownst to them) has been taken prisoner and will be executed at the end of the day. Jenna, who also (unbeknownst, etc) is living there, having taken up the religious life after mistakenly concluding Blake was dead, further complicates things]).
I'm about halfway through a "Comedy of Errors" story, where Blake's rebel contact, Rashel, thinks Blake is her husband, Reg Black the used spacecraft dealer (which makes perfect sense because he's one of the clones) and Vila's clone has a romance with Rashel's sister, and a gang of thugs repossesses Blake's teleport bracelet because they think it's the expensive watch that Reg hasn't paid for.