On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 10:24:44AM -0500, Dana Shilling wrote:
Kathryn said:
If characters I respect and like are made by the author to do something very wrong, and it is treated as something right, then I hate what the author has done to the characters. It's character assassination at the least. (*)
But you're assuming that slash writers agree with you that non-marital sex is wrong and that fornication is a more serious sin if same-sex activities are involved.
No, I'm not assuming that at all. Of *course* slash writers don't think that it's wrong. That's why they're portraying it as right. Why would they portray it as right if they thought it was wrong?
(scratches head in puzzlement)
Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Blake: Prognostication? Voice: Rapid deterioration to terminal condition. Blake: Recommendation. Voice: Immediate investagative surgery. Vila: So. If we don't get him treatment, he'll be a vegetable. Jenna: Or die. (Blake's 7: Breakdown [A10])