In response to Mistral's perceptive comments:
At the time Deliverance was shown Avon was not the black clad ubermensch we came to know and love...well know anyway...and Jenna had not gone from tough independent space pilot to teleport operator and easily captured victim. (Deliverance may be debateable - The Keeper and Countdown aren't). It could therefore be argued that criticisms of Jenna's treatment in Deliverance are really criticisms of developments that happened in the second season.
Nonetheless, Space Flight is Jenna's field of expertise. (In Time Squad Blake takes her over to examine the archaic (sub-light) space vessel, about which she is well informed. There is nothing to suggest that Avon is an expert in archaic methods of Space Travel until he suddenly becomes an expert in Deliverance. Time Squad also shows Jenna teaching the others how to fly the Liberator - she is obviously much more than just a space shuttle pilot). The fact that it is given to Avon in this episode whilst she is tucked away in a tent, presages the much worse things to come.
IMO at least.
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