Betty Ragan wrote:
I don't think he would have shown any anger towards Orac, because, trhoughout the series, he makes a point of hanging on very strongly to his "It's only a machine, it doesn't have any feelings, I hate it when people anthropomorphize" atttitude. He might have been miffed, but he'd probably figure that Orac, being a machine, was simply doing the logical thing.
I go back and forth on this one. He certainly disdains people who openly anthropomorphize Orac, and yet . . . in Games, when he suddenly seizes on the idea that Belkov thinks of Gambit as a friend, I don't think he pulled that idea out of midair. Orac might well have been Avon's favourite conversationalist at times. Someone once pointed out to me that Orac was the only other NT among Avon's companions.