On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Dana Shilling wrote:
Iain's suggestions:
- Recast Jenna, Gan and Dayna. (I'm conflicted about recasting Avon.)
Don't blame the messenger! Just look at some of the rubbish they had to spout--Dame Judi Dench on her best day couldn't have done much with Jenna's scripts, much less Dayna's.
I'm afraid I do blame the messenger. Other cast members had just as much shite to spout: they just did it better. Look at this bit from 'Star One':
BLAKE Maximum scan, Cally. Look for anything unusual or out of place, sudden temperature variation, anything. They're bound to have left some clue as to where they put that installation. A door would be nice if you could manage it. CALLY I'll do my best. BLAKE Preferably one marked 'Entrance'. CALLY Ready on the scan, Jenna.
Cally's lines are utterly banal, yet Chappell manages to get terrific amounts of characterisation and subtext into them.