----- Original Message ----- From: emma emmapeel@calvino.freeserve.co.uk
There's no evidence at all, that's the problem-- which still to me
that to say that they existed falls in the same category as saying Avon likes disco-dancing.
Oh no. Surely that's not ordered enough for him? I think strict formation ballroom.
What *is* it about you people, Avon and ballroom dancing?
I mean, really. Don't you know the series canon categorically proves he's a swing fan?!?
I mean, look at the evidence:
In "Trial," he suggests that they "swing the ship about,"
In "Mission to Destiny" his tussle with Sara is visibly an attempt to tango, you can tell by the way he holds on to her hand...
If you wind the video back really slowly, then fast-forward it, during the bit at the beginning of "Ultraworld" where he's walking across the flight deck, it looks *exactly* as though he's doing the Lindy...
It's been years since I've seen the episode, but I'm pretty damn sure that in RoD Anna says that she and Avon used to dance the Charleston...
Any one want to dispute this? Come on, have a go... :)
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