"Ellynne G." wrote:
On Tue, 27 Feb 2001 00:41:41 -0500 "Dana Shilling" dshilling@worldnet.att.net writes:
What a wonderful concept! Tales from Schmaltz City!
I can see it now. A zine with nothing but warm and fuzzy stories, sweetness levels so high it carries a warning label for diabetics. No stories allowed if at least one character doesn't give a long, impassioned speach about love, flowers, or puppies.
Though that doesn't in itself make the story schmaltzy; Avon could make a long impassioned speech about how stupid they are, or something. Even a pro-puppies speech doesn't have to come off as schmaltzy (thinking here about Spike exhorting Willow and Xander to go out and fight evil for the sake of puppies and Christmas).
I think the schmaltziest story I've read yet (or maybe that I can bear to remember) is one about Avon giving Blake a copy of the song 'The Impossible Dream' for Christmas. It was just a leetle past my suspension of disbelief-o-meter.