From: Dana Shilling
To the best of my knowledge, "Auronar" is a plural noun, "auronae" (like "sapiens" in a species name) is an adjective.
Thinking about the various Linnaean names that I know (probably thousands if I bothered to add them all up), I can't offhand think of a single specific name ending in -ae. It tends to be used for families (-idae) and subfamilies (-inae), not species. More likely names for the Auronar would perhaps be Homo aurono (aurona would sound better, but doesn't agree with Homo), H. auronii (though the -ii usually comes after whoever discovered a species), or H.auronensis.
Though if Cally is a typical member of her species then they might Homo anorectis. Or Homo viciapalus (the closest I can get to 'beanpole' in Latin).