--- Kerry Hale kerry@kdhale.freeserve.co.uk wrote: >
(big snip)...they've produced some very interesting posts, some less-than-interesting posts, some mildly expressed posts, some very heated posts etc etc but the overall effect (on me) is becoming Does it
matter? I shall continue to read slash fiction and enjoy and agree with some stories and dismiss and disagree with others.
On the question of "does it really matter?" The fact that people are debating for and against, asserts that it does indeed matter. The level of interest on this subject greatly varies from 'Who gives a sod' to 'It matters very much' For me personally, I fall into the latter category, whilst many others find themselves somewhere in the middle ground. It matters to me, not so much as an anti porn or anti slash statement, but more along the lines of respect. I originally came into this topic as a supporter of the sensitivities of the actors involved in the production of fan based sexually explicit illustrations of the characters of B7 and that is still my main complaint - however; I have been drawn to other points where people say they see a
possibility of or even a definite homosexual relationship between Avon and Blake...on screen. I can't go along with this, so I debate my point.
As for porn/slash - there is no way that this is going to discontinue, I know this and I think so does everyone else - my stand in these areas are more along the lines of...We have kiddies out there people, impressionable youths and sensitive adults(which by the way I am not) and if this genre is introduced via fan fiction etc, to a show which has no previous mention or implications in this area, then the stories (IMO)should not be interspersed with general B7 material and any illustrations of the characters should not show any realistic reproductions of the faces of the actors involved.
To use an example: I can't go anywhere anymore without being confronted by no smoking signs, this is a definite impediment to my own personal enjoyment, however; the majority have spoken in the interests of all and so I comply - I am not saying that you should let me smoke at your dinner table, what I suggest is a purely smoking only restaurant for those of us who enjoy a cigarette either during and/or after their meal. As with porn/slash, I'm not saying don't indulge, but I think it should be alotted its own place - divorced from the general B7 material.
===== Cheryl. (My favourite 'Blake's 7' moment) What a fiasco! We could take over the ship you said, if I did my bit. Well, I did my bit, and what happened? Your 'troops' bumble around looking for someone to surrender to, and when they've succeeded, You, follow suit! (Avon to Blake. "Spacefall")
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