Sally said:
Interesting that he shows absolutely *no* interest in the more conventionally-pretty Jenna (that dour "not wasting your time on frivolities is gorgeous, as is his offputting stiffness in
cell in Redemption when she's sitting soooo close).
I would disagree. The whole scene in the computer room in SpaceFall is played for Jenna's benefit, and Jenna is the first (although not the last) person Avon says "let's take the stuff and get the hell out of here"-- by "not wasting your time on frivolities" he's decided that she had her chance, but he's still brooding about it. (I'm afraid the scene is in there not to define the relationship between Jenna and Avon, but so the BBC could avoid building aTreasure Room or Wardrobe Room set, much as I'd like to see the latter.)
And the whole thing with Servalan
I think they recognize traits in the other that they value in themselves. For that matter, Ithink they both detect survival potential, and expect the other to be around whenever they have a spare moment.