Annie wrote (in response to Neil):
But I believe it was you who made the comment that fan writers had no right to "Americanize" the characters because the show and the characters were British .... To you, it is a state of mind that the characters are British. To others of us, the characters are members of the Federation. There is no "American" and "British" attitude to attribute to the characters when those of us who feel that way write the characters. Fan fiction is all about possibilities. If you want to write your characters to be what you perceive as "British" in manner, have at it. I'm not going to tell you not to, although I disagree that the internal universe of B7 reflects a British society.
As a (fairly) rabid 'Britisher', I had this discussion with one of the contributors to TTBA over her depiction of a Federation structure which I initially perceived as 'too American'. After some discussion, we came to the (hopefully mutually agreeable) conclusion that the future Federation might reasonably be thought of as mimicking some of the less pleasant aspects of US corporate or political life.