there's drought just about everywhere Una, except in the west coast of the sth island. The nth island hasn't faired too well. especially here in the wellington region, where we 've had one third of the usual rainfall. it's been an extreme fire hazard and water restrictions have been implemented. the hills are brown and occassionally dotted with fires and helicoptors and people frantically putting them out. whilst watching the grandprix of all tings the other day, an enormous fire erupted suspiciously on a large hill near by. wellington has some rugged geography wghich doesn't help. I recall an american exchange student who used to get sick where ever you took him, he wasn't used to all the hills, he considered them mountains. I'm on ahill so high, I can see the sth island on a clear day, even though i'm in a wellington suburb...pituresque. some people build their houses in almost inaccessible spots too. you'll see whole kitchens whizzing by on a helicopter during construction.
Yes I could imagine the Federation having a low toleration of unproductive citizens with psychiatric illness. then again the complexity of the drugs they had, may have had a cure for many of our common conditions - perhaps. given the number of psychopathic killers like crimo's around they may have had other uses for them. I spose they could have been shipped off to a frontier world like marriots family members. You wonder about downs syndrome, or other forms of intellectuall disability too. Nathan.
A 'strange coincidence', to use a phrase/ By which such things are settled nowadays. Byron.
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