From: Tavia Chalcraft
I think what really distinguishes cyberpunk is the style in which it's written - sharp, smart, sassy, or at least aspiring to be (or simply pretending to be).
So hoiking out all my psychology credentials (um, none), I'd guess that Mr Faulkner really writes this stuff because he wishes to appear sharp, smart and sassy.
Since cyberpunk is all about bullshitting like crazy to make out you're more than you'll ever be, I'm probably eminently qualified.
Slightly more seriously, I suspect the reason there's so little in this genre out there is that a lot of fanficcers look to the series rather directly for their inspiration for backgrounds (not unnaturally).
Yeah, there does seem to be a reluctance with some writers to add to the fabric of the series. All part of the reprographic mode, I suppose.
When they do film on planets we almost never see details of cities (unless I'm missing something obvious?) apart from the sketchy bits in
Voice From the Past, and we see buildings in the background in Traitor. The escalator scene in Warlord. Space City and Freedom City. But not a lot else. Obvious budget constraints, of course.
Fanfic, on the other hand, can spend 200 squillion dollars on the sets and special effects, so long as you realise no one will actually see any of it.