From: Ellynne G.
As for Xena, the question is why, if she wears armor at all, she wears armor that doesn't seem to protect much. Also, why do _men_ in her culture wear armor that does?
There are two competing theories. 1) Xena and other warrior women belong to a mutant strain of humanity who keep their major organs in rather odd, compact spaces and who have arteries and veins with shut off valves that make bleeding to death less of a concern. Note: this is a sex linked mutation. While Conan seems to have inherited it, few other males have.
LOL etc...
Or, 2) They have found the distraction effect of dressing this way has on their (usually male) opponents gives them a significant edge in battle that outweighs the costs. This would also explain why few homely or even average looking women become warriors.
Or 3) Take a nice-looking bird with big tits, tog her up in military gear that preserves pre-watershed decency whilst leaving acres of flesh on show, and you've got something that millions of spotty little adolescent (and not so adolescent) males can enjoy watching while they wank.
If it's 1, Mutoids may have a similar condition, explaining why more are female.
Women in uniform are sexy. Trust me on this one, okay:) That's why the mutoids are female. We could stay within the context of the milieu and speculate (with no canonical support whatsoever) that there might somehow be a female surplus in the population for the military to convert, or that women are more susceptible to adaptation (for whatever unfathomable reason), but the most obvious answer is the external one, that slinky blood-drinking women in military gear are a turn on.
Well, not for all viewers, obviously. Makes you wonder who the series was really made for...