I seem not to be too good at insults (and the good ones were taken). Instead, here are these. They're just quotes from other stories, but somehow (with minor changes) they seemed so B7.
So, after Travis tells Servalan his latest, extremely complicated plan, this quote from James Schmitz-
'The black and silver [figure] studied him curiously. "Isn't that likely to be quite a while?" [Servalan] inquired--with such nice control that he almost overlooked the fact that this politically important [in]human hothead was getting angry again.'
Or, from an author named Doris Egan-
"An appeal for aesthetic judgement will get [Avon]'s attention where an appeal for mercy may leave him cold."
Dickens also seemed to have met our heroes.
"Who could have seen his . . . brilliant eye; his black-attired figure, idefinably grim, although well-knit and well- proportioned . . . but might have said he looked like a haunted man? Who could have observed his manner, taciturn, thoughtful, gloomy, shadowed by habitual reserve . . . but might mave said it was the manner of a haunted man?"
As for Victor Hugo, who could have inspired this?
"There are looks like flame that can only come from beings of a certain kind; tinted glasses cannot hide them; they are like a glimpse of Hell.
"The visitor smiled."
Ellynne ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: http://dl.www.juno.com/get/web/.