On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 11:30:43PM +0000, Shane Little wrote:
Dana Wrote:
No matter what the effect was, I'm pretty sure they were trying to appeal to that section of the audience that likes watching attractive women in outfits from the Reduced Wardrobe Company.
You don't watch too many other series I take it. By the standards of ST:TOS, Lexx, Farscape and mid-eighties Doctor Who, Jenna, Cally and company may as well be wearing Victorian ballgowns.
LOL! You're right. Leela's skimpy leather outfit springs immediately to mind.
Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "I'm glad to see you haven't been wasting your time on frivolities." -- Kerr Avon to Jenna Stannis (Blake's 7: Cygnus Alpha [A3])