You know, this subject line's going pink with embarrassment.
On Thu, 1 Mar 2001 wrote:
In a message dated 3/1/01 10:45:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< > Apparently, there were a good number of fans who didn't know and didn't take
kindly to be the basis of someone's academic lab experiment.
that seemed to me a very clear allegation of unethical practice. >>
That was, by your own admission, your interpretation of something I said. I did not accuse Jenkins of being "unethical." If you want to interpret it that way, that's on your head, not mine. I will not have my words completely twisted.
Not being psychic, the only way we have to divine what you think is by reading your words and trying to interpret them honestly and sincerely. When you find that people, having done this, have ended up with the wrong end of the stick it's probably a good idea to clarify and expand your points. Going into a rant about people twisting your words isn't all that useful.
Nobody's trying to twist your words. Why would they? This isn't some kind of let's-make-Annie-look-bad club, where people sit around cackling over your latest post, devising all kinds of linguistic cruelties to impugn your good name. There are just a few decent, honest human beings who have for whatever reason been upset or angered by some of your words.
There's doubtless a reason why list-members involved in research had such powerful reactions to some of the things you said. If we'd all worked together and figured out what that reason was, maybe we would all have learned something.