Neil said:
To some fans, B7 *is* a male version of Baywatch.
Unfortunately, however, post-1978 events have raised the bar on male pulchritude--it's shuddersome enough watching them shirtless in Horizon. Bathing suits are not to be thought of.
On the other hand, you can leave the women alone and have them unrealistically impervious to any kind of injury whatsoever. It's one of those charming double binds that us writers have to struggle with.
There's no reason why, if I can write stories to give Avon a nice vacation, lovely meals, and cashmere sweaters, you can't do the same for Jenna and Cally.
Wendy said:
This also fits in badly, IMHO, with the whole "My Darling" thingy. ON the one hand you call him all these cutesy names, and on the other you want to beat him up? It's a weird mix of sugary sentiment and terrifying cruelty.
But it's different people at different times for different purposes (Lyst posts vs. fanfic), and the IRONY tag is usually implemented.
PS Not just to Wendy but to all those others who do it - please don't cc
me when you post to the Lyst. If it goes to the Lyst I'm going to read it anyway, so I don't need a duplicate.
I don't think anybody deliberately CCs you, the wretched software automatically goes to to the person being replied to--I think people just forget to go back and delete your name.