Ellynne G wrote:
On Sat, 06 Oct 2001 16:44:16 -0400 jacquispeel@netscape.net writes:
As my recent 'compare and contrast' question was
read in a different
(& amusing) way to that which I presented it - any
other 'role
reversals' on offer?
How about Jarriere instead of Shrinker?
Damn, beaten too it ! Oh well, Rumours of Death - Monty Python style.
Shrinker: (brandishing laser probe) You're going to start by telling me who you are.
Avon (weakly): I didn't expect Federation Central Security.
Cardinal Shrinker: Nobody expects Federation Central Security. Our main weapon is fear and surprise. Our two main weapons are fear, surprise and a fanatical devotion to Servalan. Among our many weapons are fear, surprise and a fanatical devotion to Servalan. Cardinal Jarriere.
Cardinal Jarriere:(for it is he*) Aye, Cardinal Shrinker.
Cardinal Shrinker: Get the cushions.
Cardinal Jarriere: (poking Avon with cushions) Confess ! Confess !
(Meanwhile Dayna and Tarrant are watching on a monitor screen in a nearby room)
Dayna: Shouldn't we do something Tarrant: (pouring himself a drink and making himself comfortable) Eventually. (Avon's voice is heard despairingly over the monitor) Avon: Not the comfy chair !
* The Monkhouse Act passed after the Andromedan war required all B7 spoofs to have at least one qualified Jarriere present. Failure to comply with the act could lead to a range of penalties from fines for minor incursions, to being locked in a dark room and forced to discuss the political implications of the Minster for Silly Walks sketch, with a left wing academic with no sense of humour, for serious infractions of the act.
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