Sally Manton wrote:
Susan Beth wrote: <It's shameful how little I know of British geography.>
Wouldn't fret; where the US is concerned, despite all the media focus on it, *I* know only that California is west and New York is east and there's a whole bunch of stuff inbetween but don't ask me what :-)
But, darlin', that's what we Americans who live on the coast think, too. There's a tourist poster you can buy that shows the country as imagined by a Bostonian: There's a fairly well-laid map of the BosWash corridor (er, that's the conglomeration of cities from Boston to Washington, D.C.), and on the west coast there's LA and SF and Silicon Valley....and everything in between is a blank labeled "Flyover Territory." ;-)
ObB7 - they are *really* lucky that Zen has all the maps, aren't they? all Our Heroes need is a fine vague Fearless-Leaderish "standard by six to Planet Fred" ...
Good thing the Feds didn't know that, eh? All they'd have had to do was send out an official data update changing the names of likely rebellious planets to all match with the galactic location they have their fleet massed and waiting....
Susan Beth (